Criminal Lawyer Toronto

Criminal Lawyer in Toronto  

Being accused of a criminal offence is not only stressful, but it can put your livelihood, liberty and reputation at risk. Your decision to choose an experienced and aggressive criminal lawyer in Brampton is critically important to protect you and your rights.

SHAIKH LAW Brampton criminal defence lawyers have successfully defended clients charged with a wide range of criminal offences across the Peel region, including the following police districts: Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga.

At Shaikh Law, our Lawyer and Staff serving you in Brampton or Peel Region area are fluent in English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Gujrati.

Criminal LAWYER Toronto

What We Can Do For You?

Bail Hearings

bail hearings for all offences, bail reviews, revocation hearings, variations hearings;

Domestic Assault

forcible confinement, utter threats, mischief to property, criminal harassment, threatening death or bodily harm

DUI, Drunk & Driving

impaired driving, driving over 80, refuse breath sample, dangerous driving, fail to remain;

Fraud & Theft

Shoplifting, robbery, mischief, possession of the stolen property, possession of burglar tools,

Sexual Assault

sexual assault, exploitation, invitation to sexual touching, interference;

Drug & Narcotics

Possession, Trafficking, drug importation, conspiracy to traffic drugs, drug production and grow-ops


Firearms and other Weapons Related offences

Pardons & Waivers

Pardons Canada wide, Record Suspensions Canada wide, US entry Waivers, Clear Criminal records

Break and Enter

Break and Enter (both residential and commercial) offences

Free Consultation
Initial 15 minutes consultation over the phone or in-person is free of charge. 







“A law is valuable, not because it is a law, but because there is right in it.”

henry ward beecher

communication is key

personal service

We Keep You Informed Every Step of the Way

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way


Most frequent questions and answers

If you miss a court date, the judge or justice of the peace can issue one of the following orders :

If no order was issued then the matter may simply have been adjourned to another date. You should retain a criminal lawyer in Toronto or you can also contact the criminal law clerk at the courthouse to inquire about your next court date

If you are accused of a crime the Police have the discretion to release you on conditions to appear in court.

You must appear in court for your first appearance on the date mentioned in your release papers issued by the Police.

Ideally, you should retain a criminal lawyer in Toronto before your first court appearance.

On the date of your first appearance, you or your lawyer will be given disclosure/evidence from the crown providing details of the offence(s).

You will also be given a return date slip as a reminder.


If you have been arrested and detained by Police, you have the following rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

  1. Reason for your arrest and detention.
  2. Searched but only in a reasonable manner.
  3. Right to remain silent.
  4. You have a right to speak to a lawyer, in most circumstances.

Bail is essentially a court order to allow the temporary release of an accused on conditions while criminal prosecution is in process.

It is not a hearing to decided whether you are innocent or guilty of an offence. It is merely a hearing to decide if you should be allowed to be released into the community pending criminal trial or prosecution.

Meeting Location

Meeting Location in Toronto Downtown
We offer free home signing and have multiple meeting locations across the Greater Toronto Area, including one located in downtown Toronto’s heart at Bay Street, next to Union Station. Shaikh Law Firm -Toronto Downtown Branch meeting location can be booked by our clients for an appointment. 


TD Canada Trust Tower, 161 Bay St 27th Floor,
Toronto, ON M5J 2S1

Ph: (905) 795 7757
PH: (647) 812 6938
Fax: (905) 795 1271

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We have Multiple Meeting Location Across The Greater Toronto Area.

Toronto Downtown | Mississauga | Brampton | Oakville | Milton | Hamilton | 

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