Legal Services
Ontario Incorporation, Personal Real Estate Corporation (PREC) Incorporation, Shareholders Agreement, Trust Agreements, buying or selling a business, Commercial Real Estate, Franchise Lawyer, Joint Ventures or Partnership Agreements, Corporate Legal Opinions, Employment Contracts, Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Sale & Purchase of Goods, Intellectual Property, Transfer & Sale of shares, Corporate Lawyer for Federal & Multinational Companies and Small Business Lawyer, ILA (Independent Legal Advice Corporate Law)
Our injury lawyers can help with Car Accident Claims, Workplace Injuries/WSIB, Slip & Fall Claims, Long Term Disability Claims or LTD Claims, Accident Benefits, Medical Malpractice, Product Liability, Pedestrian Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Birth Injuries, Brain Injuries, Spinal Cord Injuries, Dog Bites, Nursing Home Negligence, Construction Accidents, Sports Injuries, Wrongful Death Claims, and much more.
Residential Real Estate Lawyer for Sale, Purchase, Refinance, Simple Land Title Transfer in Ontario, Separation Agreement or Court Order Title Transfer, Interim Closing, Condo Closing, Survivorship Applications, Trust Agreements, Independent Legal Advice on Mortgage or Spouse, Bridge Loans, Second Mortgage, Review & Legal Opinion on Builder Agreement of Purchase & Sale, Flat Fees Real Estate Lawyer or Commercial Real Estate Lawyer, ILA (Independent Legal Advice Mortgage)
Simple Divorce, Uncontested Divorce in Ontario or Contested Divorce, Separation Agreement Ontario, Prenuptial Agreement, Marriage Contracts, Child Custody, Support & Arrears, Variation of Orders, Foreign Divorce Opinion Letters, ILA (Independent Legal Advice Family Law), Division of Property, Matrimonial Home, Donor Agreements (Sperm, Egg, Embryo, Parentage), Responding to FRO enforcement, Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer, Collaborative Family Lawyer and Divorce Lawyer in Ontario.
Civil Litigation
Civil Litigation, Estates and Probate Applications, Simple Uncontested Probate in Ontario, Contested Probate Applications in Ontario, Civil Claims, Breach of Contract, Misrepresentation, Claim for Damages, Claim for Specific Performance of a Contract, Injunctions, Declaratory Relief. Probate Lawyer and Civil Litigation Lawyer.
Last will & testament, Living will, health care directive,
Power of attorney for property, Personal Care, Incapacity planning, Business succession plans, Family trusts, Estate planning including real estate transfers, Guardianship applications, Probate in Ontario tips, Cost of Probate, Probate Lawyer Fees, Estate administrations, Estate litigation & estate dispute.
Business Immigration, Investor Immigration, Start-Up Visa, Spousal Sponsorship, Super Visa, Visitor Visa, Student Visa, Provincial Nominee Programme, Express Entry, Work Permit, Appeals, Hearings, Citizenship Applications, Pakistani Immigration Lawyer in Toronto.
Bail hearings for all offences, forcible confinement, utter threats, mischief to property, criminal harassment, threatening death or bodily harm, DUI, Drunk Driving, impaired driving, driving over 80, refuse breath sample, dangerous driving, fail to remain; theft, Shoplifting, robbery, mischief, possession of the stolen property, sexual assault, Pardons Canada, Record Suspensions Canada wide, US entry Waivers, Clear Criminal records, Firearms and other Weapons Related offences